Performance Practice
I am a performance artist preoccupied with the political potential of staging feminist speculative fiction.
My work is interdisciplinary, entwining poetics with task-based dramaturgies, digital practice and explicit body performance.
I hold a Masters Degree in Theatre Practices from the University of Glasgow and a First Class BA Honours Degree in Performance from the University of the West of Scotland.
I have since been invited to back to UWS as an Associate Lecturer in Performance. – assisting on modules based around critical theory such as ‘Contemporary Arts in Practice'.
Currently, I am module lead on 'Performance Histories', a practical class on Improvisation techniques.
During my Masters degree, my practice-as-research project focused on staging feminist speculative fiction.
My thesis piece, Flesh has received developmental support from The Tron Theatre, Glasgow and the Paisley Art Centre.

Since graduating, I have continued to experiment with the intersection of live art and theatricality as a site for speculative fiction.
Feminist literary writers have long utilised genre fiction in order to challenge patriarchal constructions of reality.
My practice explores the political potential of speculative fiction on stage.
What if there were an alternative to the maleness of traditional dramaturgy - a feminist appropriation of narrative?
How might interdisciplinary practice subvert the cultural narrative?

Since 2020 I have been an artistic partner of Replica Institute, collaborating internationally on a speculative performance.
Dancing at the Edge of the World explores the intersections between the body-based practices promoted by Grotowski’s Theatre Laboratory and Haraway’s feminist theory.
The research is supported by the VW Stiftung with additional sponsorship from TU Berlin and Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society.